#495 – Take Captive

Good morning people who think right

2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

This verse is talking about our imaginations, our reasoning and our thoughts and the need for them to come under the authority of God and His Word.

Too many times we are ignorant of spiritual truths found in God’s Word. We need to meditate on and know God’s Word in our hearts. We need to love God with all of our hearts, soul, mind and strength.

The difficult thing for us to do is to take captive our thoughts when they oppose God’s thoughts. I, like many of you, find this tough to do at times. When my thoughts and my emotions are making a loud noise it takes a lot of effort to choose to elevate the truth of God’s Word. When circumstances and situations scream out and seemingly contradict what God’s Word says it is difficult to make my thoughts obedient to Christ.

But it is possible and I must do it. We must do it my friends. We can only truly be free when we live by what God’s Word says. In every situation we must sincerely ask this question:

“I know I think and feel this but what does God’s Word say?” And then the next time it happens we will need to do it again, and again and possibly again.

If we dare to live this way I believe the result will be freedom.