#4808 – Even Though I

Good morning people who lift up your eyes to Almighty God.

Psalms 23:4 NIV Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Some of us – perhaps all of us – have a long resume of failure. We see our faults, our sins, our shortcomings, and we see them so clearly. Triggers remind us of what we have done and how we have fallen short.

This is one of the prevailing tools of the enemy. He is known as ‘the accuser of God’s people’. He is constantly pointing the finger of accusation and condemnation, and he does so with the words, “How could you?!”

Before we get to the entirety of this powerful and wonderful verse, let’s start with the first few words: Even though I

…now you fill in the blank. But as you do, don’t stop with you!

Let these words that so often assault your mind finish with the right focus on who God is and what God has done!  

Even though I sinned, God paid the price, forgave me and cleansed me from all sin and all unrighteousness!  

A great man of God recently shared with me an empowering perspective. The devil accuses God’s people with “How could you?” when we give into temptation in this fallen and sin-saturated world. We feel condemned and unworthy. Yet the devil sinned while living in the perfect, sinless and temptation-free paradise of heaven in God’s very presence! Talk about hypocrisy!!

So, turn the tables back on him! The next time he accuses you, point him to God’s finished work on the cross, and His acceptance of you as His son or daughter.