#4674 – Don’t Put Off

Good morning people who do not delay on what God is saying

I feel the Holy Spirit say, “Do not put off what I am saying to you today.”

Hearing God speak is wonderful. I love it. I live listening. I yearn for it more and more.

But hearing God speak is not where it ends.

We must never pride ourselves on our ability to hear God’s voice, especially if we don’t then act on what He is saying.

It’s the same with God’s written Word. Many know what it says, and that’s great. It truly is fuel that the Holy Spirit can breathe upon and speak a Rhema word to us from.

But my question to us all today from the Holy Spirit is this:

How much of what God is saying are you obeying?

As it has been said before, “Delayed obedience is disobedience.”

Is there something that God has spoken to you that you are putting off?

If so, repent, and then obey. This is what pleases God.