#4646 – By Faith Samson

Good morning people who don’t allow failure to be the final word

Hebrews 11:32 NIV And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets.

You can read the full story of Samson in Judges 13-16.

Once again, we see a flawed man who God in His Sovereignty chose to use for His will and purpose.

Samson was a judge in Israel for twenty years, but most of what we read in his story is about a man with a quick temper and a weakness with women. To be honest, we also see some outright stupidity with Delilah.

Yet God used him.

What I’m drawn to is how Samson”s life ended. He had failed miserably, and now he was paying dearly for it. His eyes were gouged out and now he was an object of scorn and ridicule.

In this place, he called out to God for one last chance to avenge his enemies and God’s enemies. Even in this, much of Samson’s desire was selfish, yet once again, God used Samson in this final act of his life to destroy the enemy of God’s people.

I believe the word of the Lord to someone today is this:

It’s not too late for God to use you for His glory. Dare to cry out to God again and see what He will do.