#4594 – Placing In

Good morning people who are a blessing to other people on their journey

Spiritually mature believers place in other people what God has given you.

Acts 3:6 NIV Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

God has given you so much! The list is endless and the blessings overflowing! Sometimes they are evident to us and they are unmistakeable. Sometimes we need to look past the “stuff” of life and remind ourselves of all that God has done for us.

But He has not just done it for us. He also wants to do it through us!

Peter had received much from Jesus, and He modelled the need to give away what He had freely received from the Lord. Grateful people are generous people.

But it is not just giving to people, but it is also placing in people. This is a deeper level. This is a discipleship level. This is the right level.

Who has God called you to walk with this year in deepening discipleship?

What has God given you that He desires you to place in people so that they too can flourish in Him and in life?