#4480 – This Decade

Good morning people who anchor yourself on the prophetic promises of God

Coming into 2020, Father spoke to me and declared, “This is a decade of peace and prosperity.”

Standing in the middle of a pandemic, this word seems far from reality. But the Holy Spirit has brought it back to me today loud and clear, and He wants me to place it back in front of us all as something that is still on the Father’s heart.

Will you dare to step beyond your circumstances into the reality of truth and faith today?

Peace is all about the presence of God, not the absence of problems. We can be in the middle of lockdown, uncertainty, questions and natural disasters, and yet still walk in the peace that is found in Jesus Christ.

Prosperity is all about what God has provided for us in Christ Jesus, not about what we have or do not have materially. We can have nothing on this earth, yet be rich in spirit and in the grace of God.

Today, both peace and prosperity are available to every blood-bought, Spirit-filled, Christ-confident, Father-loved, Kingdom-minded son and daughter of God!!!

You might not hear this on the news or see this on social media, but this is the absolute truth and in it is found what we are all looking for.