#4281 – Identity First

Good morning people who are created in the image and likeness of God

Before God gave any instructions to people (Genesis 1:28), He first settled their identity (Genesis 1:26-27). We were created in the image and likeness of God. It doesn’t get any better than this!

In Christ Jesus, we have been born again; that is, returned to God’s original plan! Praise God!

In the Church today, there is a much-needed focus on our identity in Christ. This is not a light or trivial issue. This is the issue from which everything else flows.

We do not need more head knowledge on what the Bible says about our identity. We desperately and deeply need a revelation from the Holy Spirit of who we actually are in Christ Jesus!

So today, my prayer is that you receive that revelation from God. I encourage you to sit and take some time.

Maybe you want to ask God this question, “How do You see me?” Then sit and listen.

May we all live our lives from the truth according to Genesis 1:26-28.