#4015 – God Wants Us

Good morning people who live lives that are a continual gift to God

Matthew 2:11 NKJV And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

The wise men recognised the King of kings, even though He was in the appearance of a baby.

Do we at times miss seeing God as He is because of how He is presented to us?

Spiritual perception as a result of divine revelation is essential to seeing God as He truly is.

Carnal eyes and pre-determined expectations will often blind us to the Truth. 

A life that truly sees God as He is will be a life that is marked by presenting gifts to Him.

In the case of the wise men, this included physical gifts. But their physical gifts were presented by them in person as they fell down in worship before Him. Their lives of worship were greater gifts than the physical gifts that they gave.

And so it is true in our lives. Yes, giving our resources, time and energy are gifts to God, but they are never the greatest gifts that we offer Him.

Our true worship, adoration, devotion and fellowship with Him are what He truly desires.

After all, it is possible to bring endless physical gifts to God and yet not know Him.

God wants us – that is what He really wants.