#215 – Confidence

Good morning people whose confidence is in Almighty God

All of us put our confidence in something. What is your confidence in today?

Is your confidence in the economy? If it is, you are sure to be disappointed and even despondent at times. Is your confidence in your ability and your intellilect? Sure there are some things that you can do, and do well, but there will doubtless be times where your intelligence is not enough. Is your confidence in your athletic ability and your strength? It may have served you well but it can be snatched away in one brief moment. Where is your confidence? What is it that keeps you going on those days where natural ability is not enough to sustain?

Our confidence needs to be in God. He alone is the anchor in the times of storm. He alone is the only One who never changes. He alone is the only One who is always for us. He alone is the only One that is always with us. He alone is the all-knowing God who knows how it is going to turn out. He alone is the One who can give peace beyond our understanding, joy in times of sorrow, strength when we are weak and life where there is death.

Our confidence in God is something we need to guard. It’s too easy to throw our confidence in God away, especially when we have unanswered questions. A lack of answers does not mean a lack of God’s sovereignty. He is always good and you can always have confidence in Him.

Hebrews 10:35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.

Further Reading: Hebrews 10:32-39