#2140 – In Everything

Good morning people who love to walk every moment with God

Oh for us to give ourselves fully to the Lord and to walk with Him every moment of every day!

I believe there has crept into many of our lives this false belief that would separate our lives into two parts; natural and spiritual. The result is, we subtly believe God is interested in certain things we do and uninterested in others.

Permit me to state again what I have said before, but I am gripped by again today: We only have one life, and Jesus Christ died for our life. Therefore there is never a single moment of our lives that God is not interested in, because He is interested in us. Jesus didn’t die for an event in our lives – He died for us. It is us that God is intimately and profoundly interested in and completely committed to.

An often quoted scripture holds incredible power in it for each of us today. Here it is:

Proverbs 3:6 (NKJV) In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.

In your personal life, God wants to direct your path. In your relationships, God wants to direct your path. In your business, God wants to direct your path. In your church, God wants to direct your path. In your entertainment, God wants to direct your path. In your pleasures, God wants to direct your path. In your ministry, God wants to direct your path. In your relaxation, God wants to direct your path…

…But He’s waiting for you to ask. God’s directing comes after our acknowledging Him. He desires to be desired and He invites us to involve Him…in everything.

“Will you?”