#212 – Feasting

Good morning well fed people

We have said before that it is not a good thing to only occasionally eat and drink. This is true both naturally and spiritually. We need to be ones that daily meditate on the precious Word of God and spend time in pray and worship. But I also believe it is a great thing to have, in addition to these regular times, focused times of feasting spiritually.

I just recently returned from an awesome conference called ‘Influencers’ in Adelaide with amazing worship and preaching that fed me up to overflowing. I pigged out on the things of God and stored up much for the year ahead. We live in a time where there is so much available through many means of communication that we are without excuse. Sure it costs money but the Bible says ‘where your heart is, your treasure is also’. Many think nothing of spending money on dinner and an evening out but refuse to buy a resource that will stir them up in the things of God. We need to ensure our priorities are right.

When was the last time you feasted on the Word of God through a conference, a teaching series or through an extended period of time in the Word?

When was the last time you feasted on prayer and worship? A question I feel to ask us all today is this; what is the longest period of time you have ever spent in prayer? There is no condemnation in Christ, but I do believe that some of us need to set aside some time soon to feast on and in the things of God.

“Father, stir my heart with a desire to feast on the things of God. I choose to set aside some time in the next month to sit and soak, to feast on godly things that will empower me to become more like you.”

Now get your diary and set aside some time to feast. Enjoy!