#113 – Easily Distracted

Good morning ones who love the Lord

Life can too easily distract us from the most important thing; spending time with God. There are some people who live idle lives; not being wise stewards of their time and gifts. If that is you, I encourage you to be diligent and faithful and ensure your life is not just slipping past you. There are also some people who live life at such a fast pace that quality and quantity time with God is pushed out. An adjustment needs to be made if this is you.

We are living in a time when for many life is crammed full. As you read this you know exactly what I am talking about. I don’t want to over-simplify life because there are many contributing factors. I simply want to point us back to a simple phrase in the Word of God that we all need to keep in mind; whichever side of the scale you tend toward. Here it is.

Luke 10:38-42