#831 – Restoration

Good morning people who desire total freedom

Here’s one more thought for the moment from my journal.

“Our God is a God of restoration so we shouldn’t be surprised if the place of hurt becomes the place of healing.”

This is an interesting comment but one which God spoke to me when I was chatting to someone who was feeling drawn back to a Church they previously attended. That doesn’t sound strange in itself, but the memories weren’t altogether pleasant. You see this Church was a place where this individual had been deeply hurt.

This person asked a reasonable question: “Why would God be drawing us back to a place where there was hurt?”

It’s in this context God spoke the opening phrase to me.

This person is now flourishing in this place of previous hurt. God has restored relationships and He rejoices. The enemy has lost a battle because someone dared to allow God to bring restoration; they allowed the place of hurt to become a place of healing.

Does God want to do the same for you?

I think about Joseph in the book of Genesis. He lived free from allowing the poison of his brothers’ betrayal from getting on the inside of him. But there was also a great deal of healing that happened when he wept with his brothers some 22 years later. When Joseph reconnected with those who had hurt him most, healing came deep on the inside.

Is there a relationship that God wants to restore in your life?

I encourage you to take a moment, quiet yourself and allow God to speak to you. I know there is some apprehension about “going there” but the place of your hurt might just become the place of your greatest healing.

I pray God blesses you today and brings incredible joy and peace into your life.