#797 – Teach Me

Good morning people who want to discover God more

For those who have been receiving BIY for awhile, you will have picked up my consuming passion to know God better. The result, the secondary priority, is to reveal Him more, but it must flow out of a primary pursuit of knowing God better.

Since God has brought a revelation to my heart about how huge this is and where it could take me, I am noticing it constantly throughout God’s Word. Here’s another verse where Moses is talking to God that reinforces this much needed revelatory truth.

Exodus 33:13 If You are pleased with me, teach me Your ways so I may know You and continue to find favour with you. Remember that this nation is Your people.

The primary reason we need to know God’s ways is so that we can know God. We need the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of Who God is. It is essential and wonderful to have a revelation that Jesus Christ is the Son of God but that’s not where our revelation should stop. In fact, that’s where it should start. There is so much more of God to be discovered.

Are you searching? Are you reading the Word through the eyes of “Reveal Yourself to me God”? I pray you do and I pray God starts to bring deep revelation of Who He is. May it change our lives.