#703 – Perfect God

Good morning people with an amazing God

Psalm 18:30 As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him.

What a beautiful verse describing our wonderful God.

God’s ways are perfect. This word ‘perfect’ means ‘entire, integrity, truth, without blemish, complete, full, perfect, sincerely, sound, without spot, undefiled, upright, whole’. It’s a rich word and I think it aptly describes our God.

Our God is complete in and of Himself. Everything in creation is reliant upon something else to exist. We as humans rely on many different things for us to survive, as does every animal, plant life, marine life, blade of grass and the list goes on. Everything that every creation relies upon was also created and is part of God’s incredible creative plan. We need water and food and sunlight to survive. God created those for us too. Nothing created exists in and of itself and it cannot be sustained by itself. Read that sentence again.

But God…WOW! God Almighty is entire, complete and whole fully within Himself. If God had never created anything, He would still exist. Have you ever thought about that? God is self-existing. God pre-existed creation. God is all in all. God is perfect; complete in Himself.

I think this is why God said to Moses, “I Am that I Am”. Everything else in creation needs something descriptive to follow “I am” but not so with God. Man needs to say “I am a man” but God, the Almighty, the Pre-existing Eternal One simply and accurately says, “I Am”.

That’s the God we serve and love.