#5677 – God’s Page

Good morning people who find your place in God’s pre-written book of life.

Recently, I found myself journaling the following:

“I have a sense of the need to get on and stay on GOD’S PAGE each day. Too often I am asking God about me and asking Him to explain things to me. I need to sit and hear what’s on His heart.”

I hear the words: “I must resist the gravitational pull towards self.” Maybe you do too.

History is about God’s story. Creation itself was a moment when God brought us into His eternal reality. Life is so much bigger than me and my few years on this earth. And I honestly need to be reminded of this from time to time. This is not to make myself feel bad – not at all. Rather, it is to pull my vision and perspective upwards. It is to lift me up to see God’s page.

My days were written in God’s book before one of them came to be (Psalm 139:16). I want to be on God’s page today.

Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing (John 5:19). I want to be on God’s page today.

Jesus wrestled through the extreme difficulties of life and landed in the place of full submission to His Father’s pre-determined plan and purpose (Luke 22:42). I want to be on God’s page today.

There are people who are on Father’s heart that He wants to place on my heart. This will only happen if my desire is to be on God’s page and I take time to listen to His whispers. The same is true for you.

I declare: It’s time to reclaim living each day on God’s page.