Good morning people who reclaim what was stolen and claim what is yet to be given.
2 Peter 3:9 NIV The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
As we lean in further today, I want to ensure we see that reclaiming is not just about taking back what has been lost. An example of reclaiming is seeing the prodigals come home. This speaks of people who were once walking with Father, who walked away, and they return again. Praise God for reclaiming what was stolen!
In addition to this, reclaiming is also proclaiming again and again salvation for the many who have never accepted the love of God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is always Father’s intention, and it is our privilege and responsibility to partner with God in His redemptive plan for the whole world. Praise God for reclaiming what is yet to be given!
Before we move on, take a moment to think of the people in your life who need to be reclaimed for the glory of God. This will include both prodigals and those who are yet to make a decision for the first time. I encourage you to make a list.
Now I hear the Lord say: “Pray for them.” By this, I know He means ‘proclaim over them’. Declare truth and renounce lies. Declare Father’s intention and desire, and reject every lying spirit that has caused deception.
And don’t do it timidly or quietly. Don’t think your prayers – boldly proclaim your prayers! Let’s not allow the enemy to rob our voice as the church any longer!
It’s time to speak up! It’s time to speak up to God Himself who is in heaven. It’s also time to speak up about the truth which is God’s reality.
It’s time for our words to reclaim a countless multitude out of darkness and into the marvelous kingdom of light!
I declare: It’s time for reclaiming salvation to many!