#5595 – His Name’s Sake

Good morning people who care more about the reputation of God than themselves.

Here’s the verse from yesterday that I want to remain in today:

Psalms 23:3 NIV He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

The first insight was that God is the one who guides us along the right paths. I really want to encourage us to stay saturated in God’s Word so that we learn to recognise His voice and His tone. I also want to encourage us to stay listening to the whisper of the Holy Spirit who is so good at ‘leading us not into temptation’.

The second insight I see is the reason God guides us along the right paths. It’s not primarily so that we are good people, nor is it just so that we can feel good and free from condemnation. In fact, the primary reason God leads us is not about us! It’s about Him!

God guides us along the right paths for His name’s sake. This small shift of focus can make a huge difference in our lives and in our witness.

Here’s what I feel the Holy Spirit is saying to me right now:

God’s reputation is more important than our feelings.

The image of God on earth was God’s original intention. Mankind was created this way – as the image bearers of God! While sin mucked this up, Jesus made it brand new again. Born again literally means born again!

And so it is true, that as we follow the Lord’s leading, yes, we continue to walk in freedom, but even more so, God continues to be seen in us and through us! This is the greater reality and the more important truth: He must increase and I must decrease.

May our lives be lived truly for His name’s sake.