#5551 – Eliminate Distractions

Good morning people who resist the gravitational pull towards self.

Hebrews 12:1 NIV Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

As people of God, we are called according to His purpose. The moment we accepted Christ as our Lord and Saviour is the moment we went from living for self to living for the glory of God. Our lives are all about God’s glory and His kingdom advancement.

One of the essential elements to living fully for the glory of God is eliminating distractions. This is not a new topic for me, but it is something that I continue to be aware of. I am further seeing the subtlety of how easy it is to step out of being in step with the Holy Spirit.

A distraction is more than simply doing one thing instead of another. Of course, this is where it starts, but that’s not where it can end. And not all distractions end badly, but far too many do.

So, how do we stay on track with Father’s intention for our lives?

In part, we stay on track by knowing and living moment by moment with the awareness that Father has a holy intention through our lives. That’s right, through our lives and not just for our lives.

Jesus did not come just for Himself. In fact, Jesus came for the express purpose of laying down His life for others; for us. His focus everyday was on only doing what He saw His Father doing. Jesus lived on earth with the focus of what Father wanted to do through His life.

May we all live with a sense of holy calling. May we all live eliminating distracting, and as a result, may we truly only be about our Father’s business.