#5519 – Nothing Casual

Good morning people who give all of your life to the One who is your life.

Deuteronomy 13:4 MEV You must follow after the Lord your God, fear Him, and keep His commandments, obey His voice, and you must serve Him, and cling to Him.

There is nothing casual about our call to follow God!

The different statements in this short verse speak layers of what it looks like to be an ordinary Christian – yes, that’s right, an ordinary Christian. In fact, we should get rid of the word ‘extra-ordinary’ when it relates to Christians. By using such language, we make not following and walking in the ways of God ‘ordinary’, and those who simply believe and obey God ‘extra-ordinary’. It’s not right.

Back to the verse above…

Every child of God is called to follow after God.

Every child of God is called to fear God.

Every child of God is called to keep God’s commandments.

Every child of God is called to obey God’s voice.

Every child of God is called to serve God.

Every child of God is called to cling to God.

This is normal, ordinary and reasonable Christianity. This is what we are called to!

It’s time to be all-in and burning-hot for God and for His kingdom ways!