#5386 – Return to Sender

Good morning people who are clothed in the fullness of God’s righteousness.

I feel to lean in a bit more to something I read in my journal. May it release life to you.

I heard the Lord say, “It’s BREAKTHROUGH day!”

“Today, I have intentionally put on every part of God’s armour. It feels good. It makes me smile that God has so much confidence in me as I live from my fixed position of IN CHRIST!

I see a picture of me receiving mail addressed to brokenness, guilt, shame and fear.

As I open the door and the postman goes to hand me the mail, I can rightfully say, “You have the incorrect address. Return to sender!”


Because that’s not WHO I AM!

I am a blood-bought, redeemed, sanctified, justified, holy, pure, blameless, acceptable son of the most high God!


Are you taking possession of mail that does not belong to you?

Are you letting the devil put a label on you that is misplaced and doesn’t belong to you?

It’s time to “return to sender” on anything that you think or feel that is not in alignment with the God of Love! He is for you! He delights in you! He loves you!