#5355 – Nothing to Add

Good morning people who walk with the all-sufficient One.

I heard the Lord say, “There is no need to add to what I have done – just embrace it, receive it and walk in it.”

While on the cross, Jesus did not declare, “I’ve almost done enough.”

He declared, “It is finished!”

Receiving from God is one of our greatest challenges, and yet it is one of our greatest needs and privileges.

Think about it: Perfect God accepts us in our imperfection! He doesn’t tell us to clean ourselves up first and come back when we have everything sorted. No!

He says, “Come as you are!”

He is so wise and He knows that if we do come as we are, we won’t stay as we are. This is wonderful!

The grace of God saves us and the grace of God sustains us. A deepening awareness of God and His goodness is the right fuel to move us forward in His kingdom ways.

I love this scripture that I have quoted many times. May it be hope-giving for you today.

2 Peter 1:3 NIV His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.