#5307 – I Lack Nothing

Good morning people who have everything that you need for life and godliness.

Psalms 23:1 NIV The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

I lack nothing is a statement that does not sound true to many people. As an isolated statement, we can easily show why it is incorrect. Maybe we are waiting for healing or provision or an answer to an important question.

But the power of this truth is found in the preceding five words.

The Lord is my shepherd.

If this is true – and it most certainly is – then I lack nothing. Sure, I may not have some things that I naturally want or even need, but I do have WHO I need, and what I need is found in Him.

This does not suffice some people, and I get it. We run the risk of trivialising what people are going through. I never want to be guilty of that. Challenges can seem insurmountable and suffering can be great.

If this is where you find yourself today, I pray and release the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit to step into your natural reality and to turn it around. I pray that you will receive a breakthrough in Jesus’ Name. 

And for all of us, in those times that we find ourselves waiting, may we receive a deeper revelation that, because the Lord is our shepherd, we lack nothing.