Good morning people who please the Lord and walk in His joy.
John 15:10-11 NIV “If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”
This is an interesting verse, but again, it has so much life in it.
When we walk in step with the Spirit of God and obey the commands of God, Jesus Himself gets joy from our lives. Like a parent who experiences joy when their children are doing well, so too does God with us. This is Jesus’ joy remaining in us. It’s not about us feeling His joy – it’s about Him having joy in us.
And then Jesus says that our obedience to God’s Word will also result in our joy being complete. In other words, we will have the fruit of the Spirit – the joy of the Lord – welling up in us when we obey Him. This part is about us feeling joy!
And all of this coming from us remaining in Jesus like Jesus remains in His Father – in our Father. All of this comes from us obeying Jesus’ commands like Jesus obeys His Father’s commands.
It’s absolutely wonderful and it is a game-changer when the joy of the Lord – the joy He feels in us and the joy we feel in Him – becomes a filter for our obedience. Can you see the difference?
May our lives bring joy to our God and may our joy be complete.