#5062 – Time with God #3

Good morning people who encounter God in a variety of ways.

Sometimes I need to kick start my time with God.

People possibly think that it is always easy for me to step straight into the presence of God in my personal times with Him. Not true. Sometimes I am really tired and nothing seems to be doing anything for me (too honest?).

So, what do I do?

I start with what will kick start me into a greater God focus. Let me explain.

Jesus’ time with His Father was largely centred in knowing the scriptures, praying and worship. For most of us, these three things are key components of our time with the Lord and this is wonderful.

But sometimes I am reading God’s Word and feeling nothing. I go to pray and feel nothing. I’m distracted. I’m tired.

So I pause and think about what might help me connect with Father right now.

Then I go with what comes to my mind. It might be watching a sermon by someone else. It might be reading a devotion on my Bible app or a book on my iPad. It might be just going for a walk and being quiet.

What follows is often a spark that kick starts me into time with the Lord. Here’s the point, don’t be religious. Don’t think that you have to do certain things in a certain order. Don’t think that what you are doing is not really a traditional quiet time.

Remember, the Father’s priority is to spend some time with you, and you with Him. He wants to share His heart with you and He wants to hear what’s on your heart. He wants to reveal truth, Spirit to spirit.

I pray you enjoy your time with your heavenly Father today.