#4739 – Submission to Authority

Good morning people who understand the truth about coming under authority

With my opening subject line and introduction, some of you want to switch off.

“Here we go again, another leader talking about submission and demanding we submit to their authority.”

If you are thinking this, then this is most definitely for you.

Most Christians do not understand the power of godly submission. They do not understand that it is God’s plan, God’s way, and that true freedom is attached to it.

If you are still reacting against this (and some of you are), please, please hear this next statement that the Lord spoke to me:

The foundation for many people’s beliefs about submission is often from what they have seen in the negative.

I am truly sorry if you have been on the end of abusive and manipulative leadership. I truly am. This is never the heart of God, in fact, it is the opposite to the heart of God.

God Himself grieves at those who lead like this, and His heart grieves for those who have been on the receiving end of it.

But I also earnestly ask you today to not believe a theology that has been formed on a negative experience.

Our theology must be based on truth alone, and truth is found in God’s Word.

I want to explore this more with you tomorrow.