#4360 – Without Understanding

Good morning people who hear God speak and obey what He says

Luke 5:9-11 NIV For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners. Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.

Many of the statements from Jesus and from angels started with the words, “Don’t be afraid.”

I don’t know about you, but hearing these words at the start of a sentence makes me think, “Uh-oh, what’s He about to say?”

But then Jesus goes a step further: “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.”

“Don’t be afraid” always preceded an instruction or declaration that was impossibly difficult to naturally understand.

Experienced fishermen don’t fish for people; they fish for fish!

So what is God wanting to say to us today from this scripture?

For people who hear a word from God, clarity and confidence in ourselves is not needed for obedience to take place.

How is your obedience when you don’t understand?