#3622 – Don’t Miss It

Good morning people who see the goodness of God in the darkness of your reality

I am seeing a deeper confidence – maybe reliance and acknowledgement – in Jonah’s prayer inside the fish than I have previously seen. Let me give you the verses for today and then share what I see.

Jonah 2:5-6 NIV The engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me; seaweed was wrapped around my head. To the roots of the mountains I sank down; the earth beneath barred me in forever. But You, Lord my God, brought my life up from the pit.

The first part of these verses was Jonah remembering how close he was to dying in his disobedience. Remember that the ocean was so treacherous that the ship he was on was threatening to break up. Now imagine what this would do to a human life! Death was imminent and unescapable.

The last part of these verses is Jonah thanking God that He saved him from death (the pit). We can say, “Praise God!” but I want to remind us where Jonah still is at the time of thanking God that He brought his life up from the pit – he was still inside the fish!!!

Don’t miss God’s salvation because you still feel stuck.

I don’t believe for a second that Jonah was enjoying his experience inside the belly of the whale, but he knew it was a step forward from certain death in the raging ocean.

Don’t miss where God has brought you from; what God has saved you from! Don’t miss it my friends. Don’t miss it.