#3424 – Unqualified Obedience

Good morning people who have set their hearts to do all God commands

Jeremiah 42:6 NIV Whether it is favourable or unfavourable, we will obey the LORD our God, to whom we are sending you, so that it will go well with us, for we will obey the LORD our God.

This is a very challenging verse for us all.

“Do we obey the Lord only when it is favourable, or also when it is unfavourable?”

“Do we obey what God tells us to do only when it is convenient, or also when it is inconvenient?”

“Do we obey Holy Spirit only when it makes sense and the path is clear, or also when it doesn’t make sense and we don’t know what the next step looks like?”

In other words…

“Is our full obedience to God conditional or unconditional?”

Father is looking for some people who say YES LORD to all that He says.

“Are you such a person?”