#3416 – Acceptable People

Good morning people who are welcomed before God’s throne of grace

In Christ we are perfect (complete), on this journey where we are imperfect (we still have faults).

Today I feel to start with the first of a few statements starting with the words  “Imperfect, but…”

Imperfect, but accepted.

It is incredible beyond words to me that a perfect and holy God can accept us, even with our natural imperfections.

This proves that what gets our attention the most is not always what gets Father’s attention the most. 

Father’s acceptance of us in our current reality of natural imperfection does not say as much about our present faults as it does about His Present Son.

I encourage you to read that last sentence again.

We could not come boldly before God’s throne of grace with confidence (Hebrews 4:16), nor would Jesus advocate on our behalf with the Father (1 John 2:1) unless we were acceptable to God.

God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness and kindness is…well, I have no words.

You may be imperfect in your eyes, but in Christ, you are acceptable to the Father.