#3000 – Listening People

Good morning people who listen to God even more than they speak to God

Prophetic people listen more than they speak.

This is something I am passionate about. Many times our focus of relationship with God is prayer, and by this we mean ‘talking to God’. This is an essential and wonderful part of our relationship with God, but I personally believe listening to God is even more important.

Recently I have come to realise I am addicted to hearing God speak, both for me personally, but also to me for others – I LOVE IT!!! Again, this is the essence of the prophetic – hearing God speak, and this is directly proportionate to our ability to listen.

I believe the following verse has a great insight for us to do with prayer (although that is not the context of it):

James 1:19 (NIV) My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,

“What would happen if we purposed to listen to God more than speak to Him? What would happen if our speaking flowed from our listening?”