#2921 – Keep On Going

Good morning people who keep on trusting and believing in a faithful God

I feel prompted to have a fresh look at Hebrews 10. As I went to open up this powerful passage, I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to start with the last verse. Here it is:

Hebrews 10:39 (NIV) But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.

We are about to look at some powerful truth in this chapter, but I believe God would have me ask you this question today:

“Have you made a firm decision, have you resolved in your heart, have you made a non-negotiable covenant commitment to never give up and shrink back from your incredible and faithful God?”

I have discovered life is not always easy, and that this ‘not always easy’ life can come in many shapes and sizes. Difficulty and challenges are a part of life for us all.

And this is why it is imperative that we make a decision to never lose grip on the God Who is forever holding us. This is not about striving, but rather a decision to continue abiding…no matter what.

May I remind you of what Father has spoken to me many times: it’s about continued perseverance in the right direction.

“Will you join me in persevering forward in faith and trust in God?”