#2776 – With God

Good morning people who daily walk with our wonderful and perfect God

I want to go back to the scripture from yesterday and write about something that I felt.

Matthew 19:26 (NIV) Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

I want to highlight the words ‘with God’.

Normally our focus is on what God can do, and this is an accurate focus.

But today I want to declare in your life, that if you walk ‘with God’ moment by moment, then ‘all things are possible’! The power of a significant and successful life is found in these two words, ‘with God’.

Permit me to remind us of the last few words of the following verse:

John 15:5b (NIV) …Apart from Me (Jesus) you can do nothing.

This is the absolute truth!

Let’s be people who daily walk ‘with God’. It’s the only real way to live.