#2517 – Daily Manna

Good morning people who live daily in and from God’s Word

Matthew 4:4 (NIV) Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ”

“What do you live by?”

In the Old Testament, God provided daily manna for His people to feed on. It’s interesting to note, the word manna means ‘what is this?’. Even though the people didn’t understand perfectly what they were eating, it still did them good.

And so it is with the Word of God in our lives today. You will not understand everything you read – none of us do – but it will do you good! The effect of God’s Word in our lives is not limited to our understanding of it. God’s Word has supernatural power that transcends understanding.

The Bible talks about ‘our daily bread’, and while there is a physical aspect to this (provision), this is also a statement about God’s Word.

God’s Word is to be consumed daily, meditated on daily and lived from daily.

“So, what do you live by?”