Good morning people who love God’s ways
(By Helen Calder – on team at DMM)
Isaiah 43:18-19 says
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
Israel had left Egypt and their life of slavery behind them. However now they faced certain disaster—the people were caught between the impassable Red Sea and their pursuing enemies.
But as Moses lifted his rod, God miraculously made a dry pathway through the Red Sea for Israel to walk across. Then, God caused the waters to flow back; drowning Israel’s pursuing enemies, along with their weapons and chariots. (Exodus 14:10-31)
In this passage in Isaiah, God reminds Israel of this past deliverance. Then He says, “Forget the past. I am up to something new! I am going to make a way through the wilderness and streams through the desert.” (Is 43:16-18)
Listen closely. God is saying here,
“In the past, I delivered you by making dry land through the waters—and now I will provide for you by making waters flow through the dry land.”
As you enter the New Year, remember God’s past deliverances. Rejoice in how He has saved you, freed you and provided for you along the way.
But remember that He is God—this year He may choose to work in a completely different way.
Release any expectations you have about the way God will move in your life this year, and be open to the new means that He may choose to accomplish His purposes for your life.
This is a new day and a new season of your life. Rejoice in the new thing God is doing.
(Today’s BIY written by Helen Calder)