Good morning people filled with the Holy Spirit,
The Father and the Son do not work alone. The Holy Spirit is always involved in fulfilling God’s incredible plan.
At the time of creation, we see the Father initiated, the Son spoke as the Word and the Holy Spirit breathed life into that which was spoken.
When Jesus Christ came to earth at the will of His Father, the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus and empowered Him to outwork the Father’s will for Him.
And today it is the same with us.
God the Father authors His good, perfect and pleasing will for our lives. It is a plan that is for our best, but ultimately and more importantly, for the best of our relationship with Him.
Jesus Christ is the door to the Father. We cannot have an intimate relationship with Father God unless we come through Jesus Christ. A reminder today to ensure you do go through the door and go to the Father.
And the wonderful precious Holy Spirit was sent from the Father to live with and in us every day of our lives. What an incredible gift!
In the same way that Jesus was Emmanuel, “God with us”, the Holy Spirit now remains with us. Jesus had to return to the Father but God did not leave the earth. The Holy Spirit is here and available for all those who receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour. The Holy Spirit is God.
I believe the Father’s intention is to fill us with the Holy Spirit. He is not meant to be a small, insignificant part of our lives. He is given to fill us completely, to lead us into all truth, to lovingly convict us of sin and to empower us to be just like Jesus on earth.
John 14:16-17 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you.
I am so grateful. Thank You Holy Spirit.