Good morning people who continue to grow
Have you ever noticed the flesh and selfish desires don’t need feeding to grow yet our spiritual desires do?
Spiritual growth is intentional, not automatic.
It’s like your garden; weeds don’t need feeding and attention, but plants definitely do in order to grow and be healthy. (That reminds me, I need to do more in the garden!!!)
So if you are feeling like your flesh is alive and your spiritual desires are pretty weak, you need to do something about it. I can assure you that time, by itself, does not make you more spiritually minded.
It’s time for us as followers of Jesus Christ to take more ownership of our spiritual growth and health. Too often we place too much responsibility on our pastors and leaders. Sure they have a God-given part to play, but the responsibility for growth is on us, not on them.
The reality is two people can be in the same meeting