Good morning people who let go of offence
(By Margaret McCracken)
No relationship can last without a forgiving spirit, because all relationships will be tested: your marriage, your family, your work relationships, your friends…it’s just human nature that we don’t see eye to eye all the time and offences will come.
All relationships will be tested, they ebb and flow and at times those closest to us irritate us!
Some people are over sensitive and easily offended and are slow to forgive and let go. These people often have trouble with lasting and wonderful relationships.
Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you.
Pride kills relationships as proud people don’t want to acknowledge their faults or ask for forgiveness. It takes humility and grace to overlook offences from others and to say, “I’m sorry, please forgive me”, when we have wronged them.
When David and I married over 40 years ago we had lots of conflict dealing with our opposite personalities and backgrounds. We failed to accept each other’s differences, and as a result, offences would come. I, in particular, had difficulty in saying I was sorry. But when we got the revelation that it was more important to reconcile, than to be right, it transformed our marriage.
Do you have any relationships where you need to forgive and release today?
Forgiving others is more about what it will do for you than what it will do for the other person. As we forgive, God’s favour will come upon us.
(Today’s BIY written by Margaret McCracken)