Good morning people who align themselves with God’s Word
We should look for the will statements in God’s Word that apply to us, and make a decision of our will to live according to them.
We need to believe that if God’s Word says we can do something, we can do it.
Many times we are defeated before we start because we don’t think we can.
But the problem is that we are placing more weight and more authority in what we think than in what God’s Word says.
Again it comes back to a foundation that God can be trusted because He cannot lie.
Therefore when we believe and align ourselves with what God’s Word says, yes even when we don’t feel like we can, then we are allowing God to be Sovereign in our lives. This is where the power is!
We need to understand that God will always help us to fulfil our part if we would only rely on Him.
A classic verse that shows this clearly and affects us all is:
1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
This is a promise from God that we will always be able to overcome every temptation we ever face. Now remember, God cannot lie, that’s impossible. Therefore this statement must be true.
I encourage you to meditate on this verse and see where the power comes from for us to overcome every temptation. Remember to look for the will statements.
I’ll be back tomorrow to expand this further…after you’ve had a look today.