Good morning people who live life well
There is never a moment in our lives when we are not responsible for what we do. In every situation, every day, whether in word, deed or thought, we are completely responsible for what we do.
And that responsibility is to live as God has asked us to live.
We need to take full ownership of every decision we make. Yes others are responsible for what they do, but we are responsible for what we do. Sure we don’t have control over what others do, but we always have control over what we do. There are no exceptions.
Think about these thoughts today for your life:
“I’m responsible to be a positive influence in my work environment but I am not responsible to control it and “make it” godly.”
“I’m responsible to love everyone, even those who hurt me, but I am not responsible for their actions.”
“I’m responsible for the words I speak but I am not responsible for how everyone feels.”
“I’m responsible for how I use every minute of my time but I am not responsible for what others choose to do with their time.”
“I’m responsible to honour every authority but I am not responsible for the decisions they make.”
“I’m responsible to think about things that are pure but I am not responsible for what happens around me in the world.”
I am always responsible for everything I do. There are no exceptions.
It is not always easy to make the right decision, but it is always possible, and it’s in taking complete responsibility that we are truly free.
1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.