#998 – Thinking’s Results

Good morning people who dream with God

(By David McCracken)

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

For a week now we have been talking about the power of what we anticipate and confess. It creates an environment in which we then have to live.

Let me drop the bombshell!!

So much of that which we see as a confirmation of our thinking, is in fact, the consequence of our thinking.

Some events are, of course, completely outside of our influence and common to mankind.

But many events do not so much confirm that our analysis was correct, but that our analysis, and consequent anticipation, actually created that event.

It starts with the anticipation! The DAYDREAMS of the HEART! What you allow your mind to dwell upon.

So how does that happen? How does your anticipation become creative?

To be a creative anticipation, a thought must: a) be believed, and b) be verbalised.

More on this tomorrow

(Today’s BIY written by David McCracken)