#897 – Go To God

Good morning people who turn to Jesus

When life is tough, we all go somewhere. The problem is many times we go to the wrong place. Here’s what Jesus invites us to do.

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to Me (Jesus), all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

You might read this verse and struggle with understanding some of the words. I have listed below some of the key words with their meaning. I pray that as you re-read this verse in light of what the words mean, you will be encouraged and strengthened.

Come to Me…not to other people or other things

ALL you…this is for everyone

Weary… to feel fatigue; by implication to work hard: -labour, toil, be wearied.

Burdened… to load up (properly as a vessel or animal), that is, (figuratively) to overburden with ceremony (or spiritual anxiety): – be heavy laden.

I will give you…it’s a promise to all of us

Rest… to repose, to refresh: – take ease

Yoke… to join, especially by a “yoke”; a coupling, that is, (figuratively) servitude (a law or obligation); also (literally) the beam of the balance (as connecting the scales): – pair of balances

Soul… breath, that is, (by implication) spirit – heart, life, mind, soul

Easy… employed, that is, (by implication) useful (in manner or morals): – better, easy, good, gracious, kind.

Burden… an invoice, that is, (figuratively) a task or service: – burden.

Light…easy, light