#782 – Jesus Saves

Good morning people who God came to save

Matthew 2:13 An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, “Get up,” he said, “take the Child and His mother and escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the Child to kill Him.”

Why would Herod want to kill Jesus? I think it was because he saw Jesus, this prophesied King of the Jews, as a threat to his own self-rule. I wonder if that is much different to people today.

Many in Jesus’ time, and in the times we live in today, are threatened by Jesus and all He seemingly stands for. Living for Jesus and in Jesus is so misunderstood. At its core, the false belief is “I will lose my freedom; I will come under control.”

What Herod needed to know, what every person today needs to know and have a revelation of, is that Jesus’ purpose was and still is to save us. In fact, Jesus literally means the Lord saves.

The truth is sin kills our very purpose for living. Sin separates us from God. Sin keeps us bound and enslaved to self-rule which is always ultimately destructive, even when we don’t see it. And all of this is what Jesus came to save us from and to free us from. Jesus came to save us from sin and to empower us to live in true freedom.

If you are not in a relationship with God the Father through Jesus His Son and you want to start really living today, I encourage you to sincerely pray this prayer:

“Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus to save me. I confess I am a sinner and in need of You and so I ask You to forgive me of all my sins and make me new. I invite You into my life and I hand over control. I want to live in You and for You. Teach me more about You in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

If you prayed this kind of prayer for the first time, please send me an e-mail, I’d love to hear from you. God bless you.