#5814 – Plentiful Harvest

Good morning people who fulfill the reason why you are still alive on this earth.

I hear the Lord say, “Lost people are more open to the gospel than you realise.”

Jesus thought the same, taught the same and modelled the same.

Matthew 9:37-38 NIV Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Do you believe that people are open or closed to the gospel? On what do you base your belief?

I want to step sideways for a moment to make a point.

The church has long preached that our personal relationship with God is most important. I agree. But with this, there can come an unhealthy and unbiblical focus of it’s all about me and my relationship with God now.

We can love and worship God here and now, as well as in eternity. But we cannot see sinners come to repentance and into relationship with the Father in eternity. Therefore, there needs to be a shift of focus and priority.

We are still here because there are still sinners who need to repent their way into eternal life!

Today you have an opportunity to be a signpost that accurately and intentionally points people to the Father. Your life may be the only living expression of Jesus that some will encounter. Your words may be the only true words that have ever been spoken to someone about Jesus.

What will you do with this opportunity today?