Good morning people who turn your affection to God during your day.
Proverbs 15:13 MEV A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.
Proverbs 15:15 MEV All the days of the afflicted are evil, but he who is of a merry heart has a continual feast.
Philippians 4:4 MEV Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
From a prison cell, Paul writes to the church in Philippi and instructs then to rejoice in the Lord always. In this single statement, he is making it clear that rejoicing is not based on circumstances being all nice and happy. True rejoicing comes from a focus on the Lord.
In our verses from Proverbs today, I see a couple of truths that are worth meditating on.
Firstly, joy in our heart (which comes from and in the Lord) makes a cheerful countenance. I think this is so important. If God is in our heart, He should reflect in our face. I have often encouraged Christians to let what is inside come out. This includes, but is not limited to, our worship. And please let me say that this is not a personality thing or a denominational thing.
Secondly, the person who has a merry heart has a continual feast. Oh, ain’t this the truth! There is something contagious and life-giving about the joy of the Lord that literally becomes our strength! This is not about being fake, rather, this is about a right focus on God and on His continual goodness and kindness to us.
May we all receive a greater baptism in the joy of the Lord.