Good morning people who keep your constant confidence in the God of love.
Proverbs 13:12 MEV Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.
Waiting for something for a long time can be extremely difficult. This may be salvation for a loved one, healing in your body or the fulfilment of a prophetic promise. There are also many other realities that can cause our hearts to struggle in the waiting.
God sees this and God cares for you. This is not a cliché – this is the truth. God cares deeply for all of His precious sons and daughters.
As I read this today, I heard the following words:
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, therefore, hope in the Lord and not in outcomes.
This doesn’t answer every question and nor does it make everything ok – I admit this. Trivialising heart sickness as a result of prolonged waiting is not what I want to do. I pray Father meets you right where you are at.
But as one who is waiting on many important things myself, I take comfort in the truth that I can hope in the Lord, yes, even in my waiting.
I heard the Lord say, when things are uncertain, go to what is certain, and that is, go to God Himself.
In a storm, my anchor is not in an answer, but it is in God Himself. Again, this is not a cliché. I am safest when I am hidden in Christ and He is my focus and my life. I need Him desperately, and so do you.
I pray you find confidence in who God is today.