Good morning people who know what it is to come boldly to God’s throne of grace.
Ephesians 3:12 NIV In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.
This is one of the kingdom truths that Father wants reestablished in the hearts and minds of His children this Christmas.
In Jesus Christ and through faith in Jesus Christ, we may approach God with freedom and confidence! This is good news!
And the devil hates it. As one who was kicked out of the Father’s presence, the devil desperately wants to keep everyone else out of the throne room of heaven. Part of his strategy has and always will be to make Christians feel unworthy to enter. It’s a lie!
If our worthiness is based on our own efforts and works, the truth is, we would not be able to approach God with freedom and confidence. But we don’t come on our own merit, but rather, we come on the finished work of Calvary!
It is not an overstatement to say that Jesus changed everything!
I love Paul’s clarification that it is in Christ and through faith in Him that we can approach God with freedom and confidence. Don’t miss the part about ‘through faith in Him’. For many, this is what you need to hear right now.
Faith in God is very different to confidence in ourselves. Faith in God is all about trusting God. Faith in God is focused on who He is and what He has done. This truly is how we were saved, and it is also how we can approach God.
Finally, today, I release over you the words ‘freedom’ and ‘confidence’. May there be a revival of both of these in our lives when it comes to us and God. His desire for us is freedom; that’s why Christ set us free (Galatians 5:1). And because of this, we can have confidence; once again, not in ourselves, but in Jesus’ finished work.
Oh the glorious spendour of His riches and kindness towards us!