#5556 – Humble Yourself

Good morning people who accurately place yourself under the leadership of Jesus Christ.

Wise people flee lust and pride, and humble people pursue God and submit to His Lordship.

We must redefine strength. It is not the same as self-sufficiency. In fact, it is the opposite! Self-sufficiency is pride and it stinks and it destroys. Self-sufficiency won’t get you into heaven, nor will it promote you in the eyes of God.

Humility will though. Humility is not about thinking bad of yourself. In fact, humility is not about thinking about yourself – that is still about self and it is equal to pride.

Humility has a focus on God and His greatness, His splendour and His majesty. And from that right focus, humility rightly places us under God’s protection and God’s direction. Oh, I feel like I could preach right now!

Jesus is the Son of God, and yet He humbled Himself for the sake of the salvation of the world. WOW! What an example of strength! Jesus did this for you and for me! Jesus did this for the sake of the world!

And His example is to be our example. We are to walk humbly with our God and with people, so that God gets the glory, and so that people encounter God through our lives! This is humility!

I remind us all today of what I believe this Spring season is for:

If it is of God, let it grow. If it is not of God, let it go. God must increase, and I must decrease.

This is what humility looks like.