#5499 – All or Nothing

Good morning people who honour God with every part of your life.

We are looking at some more challenging parts of what Jesus said. These are not contrary to grace, as nothing Jesus said was separate from grace and love. Therefore, we must see what He is saying, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to us, and embrace the way of the cross.

Luke 11:35-36 NIV See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.”

There is no such thing as legitimate ‘do not disturb’ places in the life of a believer when it comes to us and God. He is Lord of all or He is not Lord at all.

In the context of our lives being a light for others in order for God to be seen through us, He says that there is to be ‘no part of it dark’.

Please hear me. This does not mean that you and I will not have moments of sin.

This does however mean that we must not entertain or allow ‘areas’ of sin as if compartmentalisation is possible as a disciple. It is not.

Willful or hidden sin darkens our light and it distorts God’s image in us.

These are days when God is calling His people to be holy even as He is holy. Jesus is our standard who we are to measure ourselves against.

It’s time for the church to shine bright!

It’s time for the church to accurately represent Jesus!

It’s time for the church to live in light and truth!