#5341 – Keep Going

Good morning people who rely fully on the power of the Holy Spirit.

In what areas do you need to keep going in God?

I feel like prophesying right now!

These are days of the persevering warriors!

Don’t stop short my friend. Don’t give up now. Don’t believe the lie of the devil that says things won’t change, and that it is too late.

The devil is a liar!

But neither reduce your commitment to Christ down to you having your prayers answered in your timing and in your way.

This is not who we are! We are persevering warriors!

The truth is, we cannot be a persevering warrior unless there is something to persevere through. For some of us it is physical or mental health. For some it is prodigals and unsaved family members. For some it is being overlooked or mistreated. For some it is prolonged time in the wilderness and the desert.

We all have our challenges. They may look different, but all of them are very real and very challenging.

God has stepped into these situations! He did so when Jesus stepped into the brokenness and sin of the world. He wasn’t defeated by this reality, and nor is He defeated by your reality.

God is greater! God is nearer! God is more kind, more good and more loving than we can ever imagine, and it’s this truth that empowers us to persevere and to keep on going.